Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Viva el Rey!

Hoy es un día especial mundialmente, y particularmente para todos los holandeses. Todo el mundo está siguiendo lo que pasa en los Países Bajos. La Reina Beatrix de Holanda acaba de abdicar después de 33 años como Reina y su hijo Willem-Alexander toma su posición como Rey de los Países Bajos. Su esposa Máxima Zorreguieta es nuestra nueva Reina y su hija Amalia la nueva princesa real. 

La - aún - Reina Beatrix, el príncipe Willem-Alexander y su esposa Máxima antes de la abdicación

La princesa Beatrix anuncia la llegada del nuevo Rey Willem-Alexander

El nuevo Rey, la nueva Reina y las tres princesas, saludando al público

Hace casi 11 años, moví de Bélgica a Holanda, y aunque al principio no era fácil adaptarme a las nuevas circunstancias, hoy día estoy tan contenta de poder vivir y estudiar en Holanda, incluso me siento orgullosa de poder vivir en este país. Sin embargo, por el momento estoy en Bélgica, no puedo celebrar el día de la Reina en Holanda, porque mi familia me necesita. Mi abuela está muy enferma, y estoy en Bélgica para apoyar a mi mamá y a mis abuelos y mi familia. De todos modos, desde las 9 y poco esta mañana, estoy mirando la televisión para no perder ningún momento de las ceremonias de hoy, día treinta de abril de 2013. 

La - ahora - princesa Beatrix

Siempre he tenido mucho respeto para la - ahora - princesa Beatrix, incluso antes de vivir en Holanda. Pero cuando moví a Holanda y asistí a mi primer día de la Reina, en el 2003, sentía que los holandeses realmente adoraban a su Reina y a los príncipes y princesas, y esto es algo muy diferente en comparación con los belgas. Nosotros no tenemos ningún lío con nuestro rey, y aún menos con los príncipes y princesas. La verdad es que puedo cantar el himno nacional holandés perfectamente, mientras que sólo conozco las dos primeras líneas del himno nacional belga. Como escribí en este blog hace un año, me siento a veces más holandesa que belga, o por lo menos ambas nacionalidades

Quiero agradecer a la princesa Beatrix por haber sido una Reina muy interesada en y comprometida con su país y su pueblo, por haber sido presente cuando su pueblo la necesitaba y por haber hecho esta decisión en el momento más apropiado. Ahora el Rey Willem-Alexander y la Reina Máxima están completamente preparados para tomar esta responsabilidad tan grande. Al contrario, el príncipe real de Bélgica, Filip, no está nada preparado para ser rey. Por eso, nuestro rey, Albert, tiene que seguir siendo el rey, y creo que él nunca va a abdicar, sino que va a reinar hasta su muerte. Lo mismo pasa en el Reino Unido claro, porque el príncipe Charles tampoco está preparado para ser rey. 

Una familia bonita y feliz. Cuánto se parecen las niñas!

Ahora empieza una época nueva en la historia de Holanda. Espero que el Rey Willem-Alexander vaya a recibir tanto apoyo del pueblo holandés como su mamá durante los últimos 33 años. Seguramente, se lo merece. Tengo también mucho respeto para él, y aún más para la Reina Máxima. Sabes, les quiero contar un pequeño secreto. Hace algunos años, recibí una llamada telefónica de un catedrático de nuestro departamento de Estudios latinoamericanos de la universidad de Leiden. Él me dijo que tomara mi agenda y que escribiera que tendría una clase de máster con la - entonces - princesa Máxima. Así que la vi de muy, muy cerca, y tuve una clase con ella sobre el microcrédito. Era una experiencia inolvidable para mí, aunque era entonces demasiado tímida para ir a hablar con la princesa. Pero comimos todos juntos - estudiantes, profesores y la princesa - empanadas. El ambiente era increíblemente caluroso. 

El público en Amsterdam, en el Dam

Ahora bien, dentro de poco tiempo tenemos la ceremonia oficial de inauguración del nuevo Rey. Hasta entonces, los holandeses comerán algo, pasearán por la ciudad para ver si pueden comprar algo en los mercados organizados por los niños y sus padres... Siento mucho que no pueda asistir a la fiesta en Leiden, pero sé que mi familia me necesita ahora aquí en Bélgica. 

Algunas horas después...

La inauguración ya ha terminado, y fue impresionante pero muy formal, aunque la formalidad es apropiada en este caso. No quiero dejarles sin algunas fotos de la inauguración del Rey Willem-Alexander. La Reina Máxima resplandecía de orgullo y de felicidad, como se puede ver en las fotos.

El neuvo Rey Willem-Alexander y la Reina Máxima

El juramento del nuevo Rey

Parecen muy tensos, el nuevo Rey y la nueva Reina

La nueva Reina, orgullosa de su esposo!

Cantando el himno nacional de Holanda, el Wilhelmus

La princesa Beatrix con sus tres nietas. Qué lindas son!

Majestad, mucha suerte en su nueva responsabilidad en un país tan diversificado y a veces tan complicado como los Países Bajos. Espero que no vaya a decepcionar al pueblo holandés. Todos - incluso los extranjeros dentro del país, como yo - tenemos esperanzas bastante altas de usted y de su esposa Máxima. Ustedes tienen todo mi apoyo! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Welcome Timo!

On Sunday morning, April 24th, Chico died and he left me alone with an enormous sadness and some pent-up anger because it was so unfair that my loyal little birdie had died on me. It's been a rough time since then. I've had my difficult moments, but I was especially surprised by the silence left in my room, which was so uncomfortably and extremely clearly noticeable. I knew I couldn't live without another animal in my student room, no matter how tiny the animal is. So I decided to take another bird. I used the Internet and surfed to a special site where people can put all kinds of advertisements for selling practically anything, from time-worn clocks to hyper-modern sports cars. And it was there that I encountered many options, from which only one turned out to be the right one, namely a woman in Gouda who breeds her own parakeets. So it's not without pride that I announce you that last Wednesday, I officially became the new mom of Timo, a five-week-old parakeet.

To find Timo wasn't exactly an easy task. I'm quite picky when it comes to pets. I mean, there has to be that special feeling, on the spot. It has to feel good. It has to be something like love at first sight, an indescribable feeling that tells you that you've made the right decision. And I had this feeling when I first saw Timo. I already knew I wanted a blue parakeet, but I didn't entirely close my heart to anything that wasn't blue. Still, when Ria - the woman who breeds her own parakeets - showed me a young yellow one and another young green-yellow one, I immediately knew that they weren't destined for me. However, then she showed me a third parakeet from the same nest, a blue one. And then the magic happened and right on the spot I knew that that little birdie would become my little Timo. I'd already decided on the name, because I had taken into account the fact that Chico could die and that I'd had to invent another name for a new parakeet, that is, if I wanted one. And indeed, I was sure about it, for Timo it would be. Timo is named after a disciple of Jesus Christ, Timothy. In the first place, I wanted to thank God for the most beautiful times I'd ever had with a parakeet, those seven and a half years with Chico indeed, and I hope that He will bless the life of my new friend and that we will be able to spend many beautiful moments together. I met Timo on April 16th, just two days after Chico died. The problem was that (s)he - we'll only know for sure if Timo is male or female within 6 weeks - was still in the nest and therefore too young to take home. I'd have to wait another two weeks before I could finally take him/her home. 

The first time I could hold Timo in my hands...

Protective hands around my little buddy

Looking for some warmth in my hands

I knew those two weeks would probably be the longest two weeks in my entire life, but I was left with little alternative: Timo still needed to be fed by his/her parents, (s)he was not yet ready to come to Leiden. Luckily, last Saturday my parents came, and we went to see Timo once more. It was so good to hold him/her in my hands, and we made some cute pictures of our second encounter:

Second encounter also felt good!

Look at that beautiful head...

Even closer to me...

Already kissing on the second encounter!
In the meantime I received pictures and regular updates from Ria. A few days after my parents and I had visited, Ria sent me these pictures:

Chico's mommy and daddy still caring for their offspring

Who can spot Timo in this picture? Hint: he's blue ;)

And then, on Tuesday, I received good news from Ria: two siblings from Timo had fledged, and it was only a matter of days before Timo would follow their suit, as(s) he was the third in row to have hatched, which means that (s)he would also be the third in row to fledge. I was putting my hopes on Wednesday, because then I could go to Gouda for sure. I was paying attention during my Brazilian Portuguese lesson when I suddenly received a text message on my mobile phone: Timo had fledged! And I could go and pick him/her up that same evening! I was so excited, and that night we went to Gouda to pick up my new little comrade. I can guarantee you, it's quite a challenging experience, because Timo still refuses to eat and drink if I don't help him/her with it. So there's still much to learn. This is the second complete day we are together, and this feels so good. It makes up for the dread and sadness I feel for Chico. One thing is sure: Timo won't be a replacement for Chico, because that's just impossible. Timo is a brother or sister for Chico, and (s)he will have his/her own character, which is good.  I'll certainly call for Chico if I mean Timo, and there willl be moments in which I will think back to how Chico would have reacted. But I don't want Timo to feel less worthy of my love, because Chico was a completely different bird with a completely different attitude towards me and other people. 

First day in Leiden and already looking for warmth and protection...

Adapting to my cage and a new environment...

Already eating very well!

It's getting late, I should go to bed. Timo is also very tired and already asleep. I'm glad to have him/her with me. It's still a matter of getting acquainted to each other, but in the end it will work out well. Now is the time to dedicate all the time and attention I can to Timo, because that's how you can make them tame. Today, it seemed as if Timo already felt more at home: whistling, trying to fly - but not succeeding yet - eating and drinking, and of course, being admired by visitors. I can easily caress Timo, or even give him/her kisses everywhere. (S)he seems to like it. 

So all of you who want to come and visit us, you're welcome! Don't forget to warn me beforehand. And let's pray that I can easily spend as many years with Timo as I've had with Chico, if not, more. Chico will never be forgotten. He was such a loverboy and a real warrior. He didn't want to die yet, he wanted to spend many more years with me. But it was decided differently... Now I have Timo, and I will respect the wishes of my new buddy. I'll try to be the best parakeet-mom in the entire world, you can be sure of that!

PS: If you want to visit us, no problem, just give me a call or send me a message or e-mail, or write a comment on this post.

PPS: Some family pictures:

Grandma and Timo

Granddad and Timo

Cousin Andy and Timo

Cousin Vicky and Timo

Uncle Thierry and Timo

Aunt Mieke and Timo

Niece Indra and Timo
Mom and Timo

Aunt Katleen and Timo

PPS: You asked for some movies of Timo? Well, here you go! Enjoy! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chico, the Kung-fu parakeet

Today was a beautiful sunny day in the city of Leiden. It seemed as if the entire city's population was outside, laughing, drinking, enjoying the sun and the first day of spring. However, today was also the day that my lovely and much-loved parakeet Chico died. He died this morning in my hands, at 10.33AM. It went terribly fast, and he leaves a sad Debz behind. He'd been ill for two weeks, but yesterday it seemed as if he were feeling better and he seemed to have recovered from his respiratory problems. To the contrary of the days before, he was playing again, talking, enjoying his freedom. Even flying without losing his breath. I was so happy to see him healthy again. However, this morning, after giving him his medication, he had a sort of attack, and he died in my hands. He didn't suffer a lot, it all happened so fast. His tiny body was convulsing, he was making some weird noises, and then it was over. Today was the endpoint of a beautiful 7 and a half years by my side...

R.I.P. Chico 2-10-2005 - 14-4-2013

Chico came into my life after the death of Pimbootje. Pimbootje had been my loyal companion for a mere two years. She died in my hands on October 1st, 2005. And on October 2nd, one of my aunts called me to announce that a parakeet was waiting for me at her place. I couldn't and didn't want to believe it! I didn't even know if I was ready for a new bird already. I went to my aunt's house, on condition that it was a young, male and blue parakeet. Otherwise, I wouldn't accept it. That much I told my dad who was getting pretty nervous and kind of irritated of all the conditions I was setting. Anyway, when we arrived at my aunt's place and I saw those big black eyes, that tiny pink nose and that - in comparison with the rest of his blue body - big beak, I was completely and irrevocably in love. I knew this was my Chico, my boy. I know now that God brought us together for a reason: to have a happy and worthy life together and to spend as many beautiful moments as possible together. 

You know, Chico was such a cheerful companion: always whistling when I came in, begging to leave his cage, always begging to taste some human food. He ate practically everything, even chicken, fish and pizza. Oh, how he loved to eat the ham from the pizza Hawaï! I have many pictures showing Chico eating something, but I want to share with you some of the last ones I took. These were taken last Friday:

I always told people that in reality, Chico wasn't a bird, but in fact a human being put in the body of a parakeet. Somehow, God made a mistake and put him - I think - on purpose in the wrong body. I mean, Chico certainly felt my emotions and reacted upon them. When I was sad, he was always by my side. When I was crying, he even drank my tears. When I was happy, he flapped his wings. He just adored the noise of creaking plastic and paper being torn apart. It made him whistle even harder than usually. What other habits did he have? Oh yes, he used to attack and damage my books and - mostly important - papers with his tiny beak. I'm happy now to have a few books and papers wearing the traces of a parakeet named Chico. It's his signature. Now he's lying in my fridge, waiting until Tuesday, when somebody is going to take Chico with him to stuff him. Some people find the thought repulsive, but for me it's a small comfort that I'll still have him at my side. I've done it before with two other parakeets, Pimbootje and Prutske II. They are still with me, although they are very silent right now. I'll have a lot of trouble adjusting to the fact that Chico will be standing there, as silent as he never ever was. I mean, my room is so terribly quiet right now. You immediately notice something is wrong, something is missing here. And that is the presence of my lovely blue boy...

Chico was a very sociable parakeet. He usually didn't have trouble to greet strangers. Mostly, he first flew to one of his small playgrounds to observe the stranger, but soon after that he went to say hi to him or her by flying to his/her shoulder. That was his favourite place, the shoulder. Or maybe the second best place, because he enjoyed his playgrounds, especially the big one at the mirror. You know, last Wednesday we were watching the Champions League game Barça - Paris Saint Germain together, and he spent the entire game sitting on my right shoulder. He flew two or three times to his cage to eat and drink, but immediately after that he returned to the safety of my shoulder. Last Friday, this picture was taken and I've converted it into my Facebook profile picture:

Luckily I made some movies and pictures during the past two weeks, because everyone, including myself, had to admit that Chico's health was deteriorating. And fast, it seemed. It started a couple of weeks ago, when he was barely awake during the day. He sat in his cage more often than usually, and he enjoyed sleeping on his favourite places in my room. I thought he was just enjoying his old age, because let's be honest, 7 and a half years for a parakeet is a normal, if not high, age. It could have been a lot more, yes, but at the same time it could have been a lot less too, and I'm thankful to God for every single moment we spent together. The past two weeks he'd been suffering from respiratory problems and loss of balance. Something was wrong, that much was clear, but what? And as he couldn't handle any stress - for that would cause his respiration to go even faster - I decided not to take him to the vet, because then he has to go into a small cage he doesn't like at all. So I spared him the stress. I did call the vet, and she subscribed him some meds that would take away any infection, if there was one. The meds seemed to help, until today... Here follows a movie made last week. Just press the button and enjoy his craziness...

Although we both knew that something was terribly wrong, we didn't admit defeat, and especially Chico not, because he really didn't want to die. He wanted to be with me a little while longer. He was fighting as I've never seen before. A truly worthy Kung-fu parakeet! Every time he was short of breath, he took the time to recover, and he never complained. I mean, he kept on flying from one place to the other, whether he was short of breath or not. He was so exceedingly obnoxious, just like his boss... Let's dig up some old pictures of Chico, when he was still young and as vital as could be.

Luckily I have all these beautiful pictures and movies to cherish the quality time moments spent together. I just have to admit defeat now, and I have to trust that he is now with God, watching from above, watching my every move. I'll show you two videos made a short while ago: (The second video seems boring at the beginning, but keep on watching and you'll hear Chico talk!)

Dear Chico, lief keppetje, broerke van me, I'm going to miss you so very much. Only you know how much you meant to me. It'll be so tough to go on without you... No more sharing of food - and preferably everything sweet! - no more reading the bible together... You were always eager to hear me read the word of God aloud... No more talking to moving bottles or any wall you could find in my room, no more kisses, no more flying around my room... You have no idea how broken-hearted I am right now. There are no words to express how sad I am and how deep my love was and still is for you... Gonna miss you, buddy. Or to say it in your own words: "Te quiero Chico"...
My deceased little warrior, in the lap of his favourite bear, Lotje


Will there come another little animal in my life? I do think so. I'm keeping my eyes open to find a worthy brother or sister for Chico. I have my specific conditions once again: blue, male, baby parakeet or forpus parrot. A forpus parrot is the smallest parrot on this plannet. Here's what they look like:

Things will never be the same again, but I can't bear the silence in my room right now. I know I should go to sleep, but I feel so restless... I know that a baby parakeet or parrot could do wonders. I'll keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed that I encounter the bird that is destined for me. It has to be love at first sight, I know exactly how it has to feel. Maybe I'll have to be patient, that's possible. But I hope God gives me another wondrous animal so that we can share beautiful moments together. I want to end this post with a poem my aunt found on the Internet, and the picture she made to accompany the text:

I was chosen today,
I'm learning to fly,
The world took me away,
but please don't you cry.

And I chose you today
to try and be strong
so please don't you cry
and don't say that I'm gone.

When you're feeling alone,
just remember our love.
I'm up near the stars,
looking down from above.

Remember our love,
In a moment you'll see,
that I'm still here beside you
when you're thinking of me.