Monday, August 06, 2012

A serious note about slimeballs

In life, you sometimes come upon that kind of people that can truly be called cowards and bootlickers - a.k.a. slimeballs. This type of people is usually not so hard to find. Everyone will have at least one among his/her so-called friends and/or family. I honestly detest this kind of people, but I don’t know what to do about them. I’ve tried to give them the opportunity to annihilate bad things that happened in the past, to give them a chance to make things better, so to speak. However, it didn’t work out, and that is just too bad, for them as well as for me. Now I have to admit that I’m quite frustrated for I’ve had too much of it. I'm done with them. That’s why I’m writing this post, not because I’m very mad or something like that, but just because I’m extremely disappointed in the subdivision of the human race that is characterised by cowardice and jealousy, among other things.

Cowardice in this sense can be seen in the fact that this type of person wants to set the people that you love – and that love you, for that matter – against you. (S)he tries to create doubt in the people that you love. (S)he tries to convince them that you are utterly bad, by questioning your good intentions, by criticising your every single move and by fault-finding in the most extreme sense. And every once in a while - and very unfortunately - (s)he achieves his/her goal and the people that you love go along with everything (s)he alleges.

The bootlicker’s part is clearly seen in the fact that the bootlicker in question tries to lick the heels of all the people that will be of use to him/her someday. (S)he can’t stop giving them compliments, while everything that you say receives criticism because - you need to face the truth - you are of no importance to them. Not a single word you say receives approval. Whenever you say white, (s)he says black, and whenever you say black, (s)he says white, no matter what the context is. Besides that, it's also possible that you're simply ignored, no matter what you say. Then, if you are that type of person that I am, that is, very sensitive and quite sensible, you start to question your every single act, whereas you should be questioning THEIR moves, not your own!

What is wrong with this kind of people? Are they just jealous? But why should they be jealous? They already have everything that you can only dream about! YOU should be jealous of THEM, not the other way around! How greedy can you be, I ask myself... 

I think I can now safely conclude that everything is lost with this kind of people. No matter how hard you try to make things better, if (s)he won't realise that (s)he is wrong and chooses the wrong way to handle things, you can't do anything about it. It is his/her choice, not yours! Still, it's not easy to accept that even people that you really care about started blackmailing you behind your back a long time ago and now already do it in the open, especially when you've never had the intention to hurt THEM! It seems that they have every intention to hurt YOU! And then I keep quiet so as not to hurt anyone's feelings... The question that matters is: How long will I be able to keep things this way? When will this little time bomb deep within me explode? Because I'm not that easily hurt, and I can take quite a lot, but even I have to respect the fact that there are limits. So if you feel like I'm talking about you, talk to me and let's be honest and open about it. It's not too late yet to set things straight, that is, in my humble opinion. Period.


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