Friday, December 28, 2012

Mid-August resolutions: the sequel

As January 1st, 2013 is approaching real fast - for real now :) - I have to do as I promised back in the summer and write about the mid-August resolutions once again, because now is the ideal moment to do so, isn't it, dear reader? In August I made some resolutions for when I got back to Leiden after the summer holidays. And now is the time to look back at what I wrote in August and see if I have accomplished something...

First of all, I thought it was high time to get back in shape. I wanted to pick up riding the bicycle with the "Start to bike" program. And actually I did, but after six weeks I gave up, even though I got that far, just because it seemed that riding the bike is actually quite depressing and dull, especially at the gym. Running offers me a far bigger challenge, so I've decided that, when I get back to the Netherlands - for I'm spending the Christmas holidays with my parents in Belgium - I want to pick up running again, just because that's where my heart goes out to. And even though I've gained about 10 pounds - far foo much, I admit - I want to get back in shape, especially to get rid of those few extra pounds. I actually wanted to pick up running outside again here in Belgium, but it's been raining for weeks now and I haven't found the courage to go outside and go for a run, especially because I've been ill and chances are big that I'll be ill once again if I go out there in the pouring rain. Anyway, once I'm back in Leiden, I can go to the gym and do my running practice on the treadmill, no matter what the weather's like. I hope I can persevere this time, it would be nice to run my my precious five kilometres outside again when spring comes round the corner, wouldn't it?

The second point on my to do-list was a quite peculiar one, because it's been worrying me for years. Somehow, I was able to get up at 9AM for about o month, but the meds were still bothering me brutely, and after a while, I lost the necessary discipline, and recently I haven't got up earlier than 11AM, so that's the same old story again. After an inspiring chat with my ex-psychiatrist however, I felt encouraged to wake up at about 9.30AM, have breakfast and take a shower, initially a hot shower, but after that an ice-cold one that lasted for about 30 to 60 seconds. I've done this for a few weeks, although not every day, but it worked. And to get rid of the winter depression I was suffering from, I'd bought myself a light therapy lamp. However, no effect was really noticed, even after a few sessions. I only got terrible headaches, so I quit. Now my resolution for 2013 is to wake up at 9.30AM at the latest, and to go to bed at midnight. Nine and a half hours of sleep should be sufficient, although I know that the meds will still bother me. That's why I've decided I want to take quite a big risk by reducing the amount of meds I'm taking. However, it's not that simple, and chances exist that it goes all wrong again. But if I want to get back to o more or less normal rhythm, I'll have to do something. So that's the reason why I'm going to reduce the amount of anti-psychotics I'm taking, but slowly this time, very slowly indeed. Keep your fingers crossed and let's hope that everything will turn out to be just fine.

I also wanted to read more, and somehow I managed to do so. I haven't read a lot in French or Portuguese, but I read quite a lot in English. Right now, I'm reading the Inheritance cycle by Paolini, and before that I read quite a lot of books by Paulo Coelho, although not the entire collection yet. Still, there is some room for improvement, and if all goes well, I want to increase the amount of time I spend reading, especially in foreign languages other than English. 

The next resolution is the only one I'm proud to announce. I wanted to improve the foreign languages I speak and I've done so! I did an extra French course, and although I also wanted to do an English course, I couldn't for it didn't go through because there were too few people willing to do the course. So I applied once again for next semester, and we'll see. However, if the English course is cancelled once again, I'll take up a French course, to reach an even higher level. I got an excellent grade for the French course, and maybe I'll do the official exam in June. However, also here there is room for improvement, and I've bought a few extra books recently. I try to study some French vocabulary every day. Furthermore, I can also announce that I'll certainly do an extra Brazilian Portuguese course, maybe even two, depending on the amount of time I have because I still have to finish my MA thesis. If there were more time, I'd do the three of them: French, English ánd Portuguese. However, time is sparse, so I'll have to choose. However, I've recently ordered a few books to study and improve my Portuguese and till now, everything goes well. I've studied quite a lot already, it's such a nice and beautiful language to study! 

Then comes the last resolution I made in August, and I'm sorry to disappoint you all, for I haven't invested more time in astronomy, unfortunately. I don't think it'll be possible on the short term, because there's a lot to do: studying languages, finishing my MA thesis and investing more time in God and the church, because that's a new resolution I want to add at this very moment. I read the Bible on a daily basis and go to church on Sunday, sometimes even twice. I also want to try to go to Wednesday evening's bible studies. I already went twice and it was indeed interesting: I enjoyed the evening, the topics and the people. 

The new year is approaching day by day, minute by minute, and I thought it's good to have a sharp look at my mid-August resolutions to see what's happened so far (and what hasn't). As you've probably noticed, not a lot has improved (with a few exceptions), so I'll still have something to do when 2013 comes round the corner. The thing that worries me the most is my rhythm. I really, really want to set things straight when it comes to that, but I still have my meds, bothering me as the plague. It's unrealistic to think that one day I'll be able to live without them, so we somehow have to manage to live with each other, even though it's not easy or evident. I also want to put God on a higher place. I'd like to put Him on the first place, but I just know my limitations and although I'd like to, I know I won't be able to do so. So let's keep it on a "higher" place, we'll see what we can do. 

Then there's nothing left to write about, because this was the last post of 2012, a beautiful year in many respects, and a less beautiful year in a few respects. On the whole, however, it's been good. Dear reader, I hereby want to wish you a very happy 2013, and I hope it'll bring you joy and luck, even though 13 is not especially a lucky number ;) But let's not go there, we promised each other to stop being superstitious, right?

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