Monday, June 04, 2012

To my two beautiful princesses...

Inspired by Randy's post about his new-born nephew (June 3rd) I want to spend some time to tell you about the two most beautiful princesses in the world. I already mentioned them in an earlier post and I posted recent pictures of them there, but I have to share this with you, dear reader: my nieces Indra and Kyana mean the world to me. I couldn't imagine life without them. October 3rd, 2004 and August 6th, 2007 were days that changed my life completely and irrevocably. 

Indra, 3-10-2004

Kyana, 6-8-2007
Only in a few years' time will Indra and Kyana be able to read this post, but I want to write to them now as if they could read this post already. However, let me first post a few more pictures. I've got loads and loads of cute baby pictures, but I'll have to make up my mind and choose only a few, otherwise this post will go on forever :D

Indra, year 1

Kyana, year 1
Dear Indra, 
I'll write to you in purple, because I know that's your favourite colour. Life wasn't easy for me at the time you were born, but when your mom told me that she was pregnant, I was in seventh heaven. I immediately bought a diary and started writing to you. I hope your mom didn't throw it away so you can read it one day. I put pictures in it and I wrote to you, although words could not express what I felt and not knowing whether you would be a girl or a boy. And then that special, long-awaited day came. I moved heaven and earth to get to the hospital as soon as I could, because everything started at 11PM on October, 2nd, and I was still in Leiden, so I could only get on a train to Belgium the day after. I was so proud and thankful to see you, you were a gorgeous little lady :)    
We don't see each other much - once a month - but my love for you grows stronger every day, even though I live so far away from you. I love playing with you and sharing beautiful moments with you, and you have to know that I'm very proud of you. I hope that our bond remains as strong as it is right now, because that, my girl, is priceless. 
I love you so much! In the meantime, you're already a big girl, a young lady actually. I hope you won't forget that, although I'm far away, I love you so very much.    

Indra, years 2 and 3

Dear Kyana,
as pink is by far your favourite colour, I'll write to you in pink, ok? I remember the day that you were born vividly. I was in Leiden, and my mom and dad - the grandparents that you love so much - were here too, and then we received that phone call. I still had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, and they were working so slowly, so I said to them: "My sister is having her baby right now and I should leave for Belgium as soon as possible". That helped :) When we arrived in Belgium and went to pick up your sister at my aunt's house, you were still on your way. And then, around 6PM, we got that phone call: Indra got herself a cute, little sister! I lifted Indra up and we did a little dance while I repeated to her: "You've got a little sister!" Then we went to the hospital to see you. You know what your dad said when you were just a few hours old? He said that you would be a very special girl - in the sense of naughty but still in a positive sense (I don't know the English word and my dictionary only translates it for boys) - and guess what, he was right! You already outdo your sister in so many ways, and you liked to tease her from the moment you were old enough. But that's sometimes big fun! I know you love me, and I hope you know I love you too. I also know that you miss me, and that you don't really understand yet why I live so far away. But girly, not a single book in the world is thick enough to write in and describe my love for you. Please know that your auntie Debz loves you and will always love you, no matter what happens. I'm proud of you, because you're such a special little lady. 
Kyana, years 2 and 3
Dear reader,
maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm the proudest aunt in the entire world :) I love my two beautiful princesses from the bottom of my heart. Life wouldn't be the same anymore if something should happen to one of them. I would even give my life for them, honestly. They're precious and special, each with their own specific qualities. I hope I don't spoil them too much, but as an aunt I have the right to do that ;) I'd like to spend more time with them, but as I'm living in a different country, it's not always easy to come over more often, especially because I'm still studying and I have to work hard to finish my studies. I hope I can teach them many things, and I hope that they will turn out as eager as I am to learn a lot about different people, different cultures, different languages... 
I don't envy them, because I think they won't have an easy life. They are still growing up, and I notice that the world already expects so much from them. I hope I will live long enough to see them grow up, study, find a partner and eventually have their own children. I wish them all the best. 

I love you, Indra and Kyana! You really are two princesses, you know! I hope I will never disappoint you. I'll always try to support you, no matter what choices in life you make. 

Your proud auntie Debz


 PS: I have this Spanish song that I wanted to dedicate to the two of you. One day I'll teach you girls Spanish, and then you will be able to sing along. Hope you enjoy the song...



  1. Heey Debz, die twee schatten gaan dat hier later heel tof vinden
    Tante Linda

  2. Ik hoop het! Helaas kunnen ze nog geen Engels, maar ze weten wel dat ik van ze hou :) Kverlang al om ze weer te zien! Nog twee weekjes, en dan een maand in België :)

  3. yesyes en wij zullen allesins allemaal van de partij zijn bij die twee (of 4) schatten
